I’ve been very interested in population decline since I was about fifteen. I’m not sure why, probably just an autistic thought I’ve had for a while. I’ve decided to put my thoughts about it here.

When the Industrial Revolution happened, what we know as “modern society” was created, and we live in it today. Most people take advantage of this society without truly understanding how we’ve gotten to it. Because most people don’t understand how society works or operates, they fail to also understand the implications of how their actions may impact the society they take advantage of.

The Perpetuators

There are three main reasons people don’t want to reproduce anymore (not counting people who just can’t):

  • Older generations have made life so shit for younger generations that they refuse to procreate anymore.
  • Older generations have made life so good for younger generations that they have better, more interesting, more fulfilling things to do with their time than to procreate.
  • Mental illness.

The biggest perpetuator of these problem is, ironically enough, are capitalist business owners. Some (or most) companies do not support paid family leave, or any equivalent. This has led to most childless people to believe that they simply can’t afford children.

alt text

And in some cases, they’re probably right. However, in most instances the simple fact of the matter is that most humans are simply too hedonistic to actually care about reproducing. For most people, reproducing is a very last thing they want to do when they’re absolutely confident that it won’t “get in the way” of anything else in their lives. The obvious implication of this is millions of people who never reproduce because these people are never confident about anything.

To cope with this, they convince themselves that this is a “liberating” and “individual choice” that they’re making instead of the most logical conclusion of living on a capitalist society that prioritizes profits over people. Instead of recognizing the issue with the system and choosing to reform or change out entirely, people have decided to continue playing along with the system while refusing to keep the game running. This will inevitably cause a huge societal disrupt.

The Consequences

Most people I talk to would insist that the only reason they’re working is so they can ride on retirement for maybe 15-30 years, but the problem is that the only way to make sure that your retirement is legitimate is if you have young people who are making sure that society is still running while you’re sitting on your ass. If there’s more people who are unable to work than people who are able to, or more accurately, if there are more people who are just consuming resources than creating, this is a recipe for economic disaster.

“But shouldn’t pensions be supported by the people paying in to it? Rather than the next people to pay into it? Otherwise it seems a little bit like a pyramid scheme.”

Duh? Did you think it was anything else? Why would you ever think that society was anything other than a big pyramid scheme? Dumbass.

The worst part of this is that no country has been successful in stopping this trend. They give out money, parental leave, tax cuts. Doesn’t matter. We don’t know how to stop it. We can only prevent it from happening, and even then only temporarily.

Unless you’re Israel… Jesus. What’s their secret?

alt text

The implication is obvious no matter which way you look at it: When people have other things they’d rather do, they choose not to have kids. This is a bug that really cannot be fixed. A bug that modern society is simply not compatible with. When people want to take advantage of a society that runs on young people’s labor while refusing to create more young people… well… that’s just the basic economic principle of supply and demand.

There’s no real fixing this. As long as capitalism and, by extension, industrialism exists, this trend will continue to worsen and society will inevitably collapse. I don’t know about you, but when I’m about sixty-something when that happens, I’ll be hiding out in my bunker drinking Dr. Pepper waiting for the nukes to go off. No, you may not join me. Wait… who’s making the Dr. Pepper?

Sorry, humans. Turns out hedonism always wins in the end. Man plans, God laughs.


While Motionmelody has been fun to make, the one thing that I regret every single day is the fact that I have to use this shitty, slow, bug-prone garbage collected game engine. You may have heard of it, it’s called Unity.

unity editor

In the future, after Motionmelody is released and we officially start production of our next game, I will be writing an article about everything I hate about Unity and why we’re using and maintaining our own game engine for the foreseeable future.

I’ve started writing the new engine a couple months ago, and it’s going well so far. It currently has hot-reloading of data assets, it can render text, basic 3d models, what isn’t there to like? It makes me wonder why we didn’t do this in the first place…

Of course, we aren’t planning on writing our games in C++, so we need to have a proper “scripting language” to script our games in. I chose Beef, the only acceptable language for this.

A big part of this process is calling C++ from Beef, and calling Beef from C++. So while that’s easy enough to do manually for a few functions, as our engine gets bigger and bigger, it’s not feasible with the amount of stuff we’ll eventually want to bind.


I wrote a tool called APIGen. It allows you to define API functions, which then creates a transition layer between C++ and Beef. It looks like this:

void Clear(const Color &color);

void DrawLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, const Color &color);

APIGen will read these files and generate .json files, which, inside of them is just a list of functions and information about them.

    "functions": [
            "name": "Clear",
            "returnType": "void",
            "tableIndex": 5,
            "params": [
                "type": "Color",
                "name": "color",
                "const": true,
                "pointer": false,
                "reference": true
            "pointer": false,
            "reference": false,
            "private": false
            "name": "DrawLine",
            "returnType": "void",
            "tableIndex": 6,
            "params": [
                    "type": "float",
                    "name": "x1",
                    "const": false,
                    "pointer": false,
                    "reference": false
                    "type": "float",
                    "name": "y1",
                    "const": false,
                    "pointer": false,
                    "reference": false
                    "type": "float",
                    "name": "x2",
                    "const": false,
                    "pointer": false,
                    "reference": false
                    "type": "float",
                    "name": "y2",
                    "const": false,
                    "pointer": false,
                    "reference": false
                    "type": "Color",
                    "name": "color",
                    "const": true,
                    "pointer": false,
                    "reference": true
            "pointer": false,
            "reference": false,
            "private": false

The next part after this is generating bindings for Beef using these .json files. This is technically a different tool but for simplicity’s sake, I’m just gonna call it “APIGen Stage 2”.

I wrote another C# script that reads these .json files and generates the appropriate code files for us to use in our scripting library, which we then use in our game!

/// ===========================================================
/// Auto-generated by the Trinket API generator. Do not modify!
/// ===========================================================
using System;

using internal Trinket.EngineAPI;

namespace Trinket;

public static class Drawing
	public static void Clear(Color color)
		function void(in Color color) func = (.)EngineAPI.callTable[5];
	public static void DrawLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Color color)
		function void(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, in Color color) func = (.)EngineAPI.callTable[6];
		func(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);

This system might change a bit as we develop the engine more but I’m proud of how it works right now. It’s probably better than how Unity manages it, for sure.

engine screeny

In Motionmelody, I’ve been designing a system for loading and writing Lua scripts that can be executed in-game. It includes a fully-featured script editor so you won’t have to use Visual Studio Code or anything.

In the future I’m planning on adding a debugger and maybe an intellisense-like system.


I was mostly inspired by NotITG and the amount of bullshit you’re able to do in that game. Hopefully you’ll be able to make some cool stuff with it.

Here’s the full example script as just an example of what the Lua API is like:

local drawLines = {}
local currentLine = {}
local drawingLine = false
local drawColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
local drawColorIndex = 9;

local function isPointInRectangle(px, py, x, y, w, h)
    -- Check if the point is within the bounds of the rectangle
    if px >= x and px <= (x + w) and py >= y and py <= (y + h) then
        return true
        return false

local function drawPalette(r, g, b, i)
	local rectX = -640 + ((32 + 16) * i) - 32;
	local rectY = 360 - 32 - 16;
	local rectWidth = 32;
	local rectHeight = 32;
	if (i == drawColorIndex) then
		melody.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0);
		melody.graphics.drawRectangle(rectX - 4, rectY - 4, rectWidth + 8, rectHeight + 8, 12);
	if (isPointInRectangle(melody.player.getX(), melody.player.getY(), rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight)) then
		drawColor = { r, g, b, 1 }
		drawColorIndex = i;
	melody.graphics.setColor(r, g, b);
	melody.graphics.drawRectangle(rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight, 8);

function OnDraw()

	for i, line in ipairs(drawLines) do
		local color = line[5];
		melody.graphics.setColor(color[1], color[2], color[3]);
		melody.graphics.drawLine(line[1], line[2], line[3], line[4]);
	if (drawingLine) then
		melody.graphics.setColor(drawColor[1], drawColor[2], drawColor[3]);
		melody.graphics.drawLine(currentLine[1], currentLine[2], currentLine[3], currentLine[4]);
	drawPalette(1, 0, 0, 1);
	drawPalette(1, 0.5, 0, 2);
	drawPalette(1, 1, 0, 3);
	drawPalette(0.8, 1, 0, 4);
	drawPalette(0, 1, 0, 5);
	drawPalette(0, 0.5, 1, 6);
	drawPalette(0, 0, 1, 7);
	drawPalette(0.5, 0, 1, 8);
	drawPalette(0, 0, 0, 9);
	drawPalette(1, 1, 1, 10);
	-- reset button
	local resetX = 640 - 166 - 16;
	local resetY = 360 - 64 - 16;
	local resetWidth = 166;
	local resetHeight = 64;
	if (isPointInRectangle(melody.player.getX(), melody.player.getY(), resetX, resetY, resetWidth, resetHeight)) then
		if (melody.input.isMouseButtonPressed(0)) then
			drawLines = {}
		melody.graphics.setColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.5);
		melody.graphics.setColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5);
	melody.graphics.drawRectangle(resetX, resetY, resetWidth, resetHeight, 16);

function OnUpdate()
	if (melody.input.isMouseButtonPressed(0)) then
		currentLine = { melody.player.getX(), melody.player.getY(), melody.player.getX(), melody.player.getY(), drawColor }
		drawingLine = true;
	if (melody.input.isMouseButtonDown(0)) then
		currentLine[3] = melody.player.getX();
		currentLine[4] = melody.player.getY();
	if (melody.input.isMouseButtonReleased(0)) then
		table.insert(drawLines, currentLine);
		currentLine = {}
		drawingLine = false;

Happy anti-gay month.

For the past couple years, I’ve been dealing with a huge depression. Mostly caused by my overwhelming cynicism about Humanity. It’s not fun to make video games when you feel this way. Constantly waking up every single day to spend 12 hours working on a game and then going back to sleep. It’s not that I hate making games, I really do love it, but it’s extensively obvious that this is not what humans were designed to do.

Suicide is a constant thought I have every day, it’s almost a joke at times. Very pathetic.

Happiness is overrated to be honest, comfort is more important right now. I just need the comfort to finish this game, and then we’ll see what happens next…

In my efforts to distract myself from the dishonorable state of my mind, I’ve decided to buy play some new games, not really a thing I do anymore.

Mini-Praise of Animal Well


Animal Well might be one of the greatest games of all time. Period. It’s no Pizza Tower but it’s definitely up there. The art, sound design, music, level design, it’s just a mastapeece. It goes to show that there are still people willing to make good and high quality stuff out there. Excellent.

My only problem with the game is the save system, it pretty much only exists to facilitate nostalgia and nothing else. It’s more of a checkpoint than an actual save. The game would’ve been better without it.


Hats off to Billy Basso.

I said I would write another tutorial someday.

Honestly, Beef has been one of my most favorite languages to work with in the past few months, even more than C#!

Beef is compiled with no GC, and while I could probably write a whole post on how much I loathe garbage collectors, just know it makes the language really fast.

If you’re already familiar with C# (as I was), you can start using Beef pretty much instantly.

More info on it here.

Hoping to increase awareness of the language, I’ve created a very small and simple guide that demonstrates how to use one of my favorite game frameworks, Raylib, alongside one of my favorite languages.

I’m not going to go over the more advanced stuff. The Beef Documentation covers most questions you may have. You can also join the BeefLang Discord server and ask for help there.


First, Download and install Beef. If you’re reading before version 1.0, I would recommend using the Nightly Releases. They may already include fixes for bugs you could encounter and the latest features.

Now that you have Beef installed, open the Beef IDE, and you should see something that looks like this:

(Recent Projects blocked out for secrecy…)

Click the “Create Workspace” button, and select the folder you want to create your workspace in. Note: The name of the folder is what the initial startup project will be called.

A workspace in Beef is similar to a solution in C#, it contains all the projects inside your main project.

Press “Ctrl+Shift+S” to save your solution and everything in it.

Currently your project is empty. If you try to run your project by pressing “F5”, the IDE will ask if you want to auto-generate startup code because there is none. Select “Yes”.

If you press “F5” now, a console window will appear and quickly disappear. Congratulations, you have just created your first Beef program!

Let’s install Raylib so that we can use it with Beef.

Raylib is written in C, so to use it we’re going to have to write some bindings for it. Luckily, I already did that which you can clone from GitHub.

Extract the code to a folder and keep it in a safe place. We only need the “raylib-beef” folder for all purposes covered in this tutorial, so don’t worry about any of the other folders or files.

Right-click on “Workspace” (not the tab) and select “Add Existing Project”.

Go to the safe place where you stored the “raylib-beef” folder, and inside of it, and double-click on the “BeefProj.toml” file.

You should now see “raylib-beef” in your workspace panel.

Right-click on your main project and select “Properties…”.

From there, select “Dependencies” from under the “General” dropdown and click the checkbox next to “raylib-beef”.

You are now ready to use Raylib with Beef! I wrote a sample program that draws the raylib-beef logo to the window.

Copy and paste this into “Program.bf” under your main project and press “F5” to run.

using System;
using RaylibBeef;
using static RaylibBeef.Raylib;

namespace example; // Replace with your project name.

class Program
	public static int Main(String[] args)
		InitWindow(800, 600, "Raylib Beef 4.5");

		var beefMain = Color(165, 47, 78, 255);
		var beefOutline = Color(243, 157, 157, 255);

		while (!WindowShouldClose())

			DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth() / 2 - 128, GetScreenHeight() / 2 - 128, 256, 256, beefOutline);
			DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth() / 2 - 112, GetScreenHeight() / 2 - 112, 224, 224, beefMain);

			DrawText("raylib", GetScreenWidth() / 2 - 44, GetScreenHeight() / 2, 50, beefOutline);
			DrawText("beef", GetScreenWidth() / 2 - 62, GetScreenHeight() / 2 + 46, 50, beefOutline);

			DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth() / 2 + 54, GetScreenHeight() / 2 + 54, 42, 42, beefOutline);
			DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth() / 2 + 62, GetScreenHeight() / 2 + 62, 26, 26, RAYWHITE);

			DrawCircle(GetMouseX(), GetMouseY(), 20, beefOutline);
			DrawCircle(GetMouseX(), GetMouseY(), 8, beefMain);

			DrawFPS(20, 20);


		return 0;

Have fun!