Getting diagnosed with mental illness is a bitch. In a certain way, you’re treated as “less as” than others. I’m sure many people already know this, though. It makes me feel angry and alienated.

As a Christian who lives with mental illness who literally believes that the resurrection happened in a very literal way, I find it stupidly offensive when some redditor dismisses me as ‘insane’ or ‘ridiculous’, only to then promote ideas like ‘simulation theory’ as though they’re more reasonable.
Ever since I’ve first heard about it back when I was in 3rd grade, it always sounded off to me. I’ve always found the hypothesis both dull and unconvincing, as it borrows heavily from the core principles of general deism, yet then asserts that the creator of this universe is finite. This finite creator concept rests on the assumption that because humans have developed relatively fast computers—hardly remarkable given theoretical limitations—it would therefore be feasible for some ‘greater finite’ being to create a universe that appears infinitely complex on both macro and micro levels.
They also don’t seem to account for the fact that computers can break down, too. If it was true, we should at least be seeing literal glitches and errors right now considering the harmful things we are doing to and on Earth. Or maybe there are glitches, and we just can’t recognize them yet…?
The simulation theory, at its core, is an unoriginal idea created by innovation. No one would’ve thought of this before Alan Turing.
tldr; Simulation theory is religion for atheists.