Modern men really like to blame societal acceptance of degeneracy on women, and while yes, women had a part in it, the truth of the matter is men just allowed it to happen. In fact, they enacted the whole thing.
“Civil rights” aren’t a real thing; men could very easily ban abortion right now if they really truly wanted to. There is nothing women could or would do about it, as women are designed to follow strong men. God has explicitly given men the power to lead, so all sexual degeneracy is ultimately their responsibility, stemming from their failure to guide women down the correct path.
The Sexual Revolution was only possible because men exploited the opportunity to sexually manipulate women, convincing them that promiscuity equaled freedom. Instead of choosing to act responsibly and take on their God-given leadership roles to guide society back on track, they prioritized cooming.
Men, at any time, had the choice to stop it, but they didn’t. /shrug